PHP: #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <dos.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#ifndef PI#define PI 3.14159265358979323846#endifchar ho[20], tenlot[20], ten[10], sho[20], stenlot[20], sten[10];int S_dd,S_mm,S_yy;//ngay duong lichvoid xemtentrunghoa(int dd,int mm,int yyyy);int dudoangioitinh(char tenlot[20]);int cungtuvi(int dd, int mm);int vanmang(int dd, int mm);int ynghiaten(char ten[10]);int ynghiaten(char ten[10]);void gioithieu(int n);int validSolar(int dd,int mm,int yy);//check ngay duong hop leint Solar2JD(int dd,int mm,int yy);//chuyen duong lich ve So ngay Juliusint getNewMoonDay(int k, int timeZone);//tinh ngay soc thu k ke tu ngay 1/1/1900, tra ve ngay getSunLongitude(int jdn,int timeZone);int getLunarMonth11(int yy,int timeZone);int getLeapMonthOffset(int a11,int timeZone);int inlicham(int S_dd,int S_mm,int S_yy);/*Phan than chuong trinh*/ int main(){ clrscr; int dd, mm, yyyy; int chon; printf("Moi ban nhap Ho: "); fflush(stdin); gets(ho); printf("Moi ban nhap ten lot: "); fflush(stdin); gets(tenlot); printf("Moi ban nhap ten: "); fflush(stdin); gets(ten); printf("Ngay sinh: "); scanf("%d",&dd); printf("Thang sinh: "); scanf("%d",&mm); printf("Nam sinh: "); scanf("%d",&yyyy); printf("Ban ten: %s %s %s",strupr(ho), strupr(tenlot), strupr(ten)); printf("\nSinh ngay: %d/%d/%d",dd, mm, yyyy); strcpy(sten,strlwr(ten)); strcpy(stenlot,strlwr(tenlot)); strcpy(sho,strlwr(ho)); while(1) { clrscr; printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t CHUONG TRINH XEM TU VI"); printf("\n\t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); printf("\n\t* *"); printf("\n\t* 1. Xem Ten Trung Hoa. *"); printf("\n\t* 2. Y nghia cua Ten. *"); printf("\n\t* 3. Du doan gioi tinh. *"); printf("\n\t* 4. Xem cung Tu Vi. *"); printf("\n\t* 5. Xem van mang. *"); printf("\n\t* 6. Xem am lich. *"); printf("\n\t* 7. Gioi thieu. *"); printf("\n\t* 8. Exit. *"); printf("\n\t* *"); printf("\n\t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); printf("\n\t* Designer: Truong Dinh Hung *"); printf("\n\t* Class: DCT1091 *"); printf("\n\t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); printf("\n\n\n\tVui Long Nhan Phim De Lua Chon Cac Chuc Nang Tuong Ung : "); scanf("%d",&chon); switch(chon) { case 1: clrscr; printf("\nTen Trung Hoa cua ban la: "); xemtentrunghoa(dd,mm,yyyy); break; case 2: clrscr; ynghiaten(ten); break; case 3: clrscr; printf("\nUmbal...xi...bua! Ban thuoc phai: "); if(dudoangioitinh(tenlot)==1) printf("Nu"); else printf("Nam"); break; case 4: clrscr; cungtuvi(dd,mm); break; case 5: clrscr; vanmang(dd,mm); break; case 6: clrscr; inlicham(S_dd,S_mm,S_yy); break; case 7: clrscr; gioithieu(1); break; default : return 0; } } getch();}/***Hàm xem tên Trung Hoa c?a b?n***/void xemtentrunghoa(int dd,int mm,int yyyy){ clrscr; switch(yyyy % 10) { case 0: printf("%s","Lie^~u "); break; case 1: printf("%s","Duo`ng "); break; case 2: printf("%s","Nhan "); break; case 3: printf("%s","Au Duong "); break; case 4: printf("%s","Diep "); break; case 5: printf("%s","Dong Phuong "); break; case 6: printf("%s","Do^~ "); break; case 7: printf("%s","Lang "); break; case 8: printf("%s","Hoa "); break; case 9: printf("%s","Ma.c "); break; } switch(mm) { case 1: printf("%s","Lam "); break; case 2: printf("%s","Thie^n "); break; case 3: printf("%s","Bi'ch "); break; case 4: printf("%s","Vo^ "); break; case 5: printf("%s","Song "); break; case 6: printf("%s","Nga^n "); break; case 7: printf("%s","Ngo.c "); break; case 8: printf("%s","Ky` "); break; case 9: printf("%s","Truc "); break; case 10: printf("%s",""); break; case 11: printf("%s","Y "); break; case 12: printf("%s","Nhuo.c "); break; } switch(dd) { case 1: printf("%s","Lam "); break; case 2: printf("%s","Nguye^.t "); break; case 3: printf("%s","Tuye^'t "); break; case 4: printf("%s","Tha^`n "); break; case 5: printf("%s","Ninh "); break; case 6: printf("%s","Bi`nh "); break; case 7: printf("%s","La.c "); break; case 8: printf("%s","Doanh "); break; case 9: printf("%s","Thu "); break; case 10: printf("%s","Khue^ "); break; case 11: printf("%s","Ca "); break; case 12: printf("%s","Thie^n "); break; case 13: printf("%s","Ta^m "); break; case 14: printf("%s","Ha`n "); break; case 15: printf("%s","Y "); break; case 16: printf("%s","Die^~m "); break; case 17: printf("%s","Song "); break; case 18: printf("%s","Dung "); break; case 19: printf("%s","Nhu"); break; case 20: printf("%s","Hue^. "); break; case 21: printf( "%s","Di`nh "); break; case 22: printf("%s","Giai "); break; case 23: printf("%s","Phong "); break; case 24: printf( "%s","Tuye^n "); break; case 25: printf("%s","Tu "); break; case 26: printf("%s","Vi "); break; case 27: printf("%s","Nhi "); break; case 28: printf("%s","Va^n "); break; case 29: printf("%s","Giang "); break; case 30: printf("%s","Phi "); break; case 31: printf("%s","Phu'c "); break; } getch();}int dudoangioitinh(char tenlot[20]){ clrscr; int ok=0; if(strcmp("thi",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; if(strcmp("uyen",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; if(strcmp("bich",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; if(strcmp("nhu",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; if(strcmp("thuy",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; if(strcmp("ngoc",strlwr(tenlot))==0) ok=1; return ok;}int cungtuvi(int dd, int mm){ clrscr; char c[1000000]; int i=0,j; FILE *pFile; if(((mm==1)&&(dd>=20))||((mm==2)&&(dd<=18))) { pFile = fopen ("cungbaobinh.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Bao Binh...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==2)&&(dd>=19))||((mm==3)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("cungsongngu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Song Ngu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==3)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==4)&&(dd<=19))) { pFile = fopen ("cungmienduong.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Mien Duong...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==4)&&(dd>=20))||((mm==5)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("cungkimnguu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Kim Nguu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==5)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==6)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("cungsongnam.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Song Nam...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==6)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==7)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("cungbacgiai.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Bac Giai...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==7)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==8)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("cunghaisu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Hai Su...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==8)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==9)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("cungsunu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Su Nu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==9)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==10)&&(dd<=23))) { pFile = fopen ("cungthienxung.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Thien Xung...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==10)&&(dd>=24))||((mm==11)&&(dd<=21))) { pFile = fopen ("cunghocap.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Ho Cap...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==11)&&(dd>=22))||((mm==12)&&(dd<=21))) { pFile = fopen ("cungnhanma.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Nhan Ma...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==12)&&(dd>=22))||((mm==1)&&(dd<=19))) { pFile = fopen ("cungnamduong.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Nam Duong...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; }}int vanmang(int dd, int mm){ clrscr; char c[1000000]; int i=0,j; FILE *pFile; if(((mm==1)&&(dd>=20))||((mm==2)&&(dd<=18))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangbaobinh.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Bao Binh...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==2)&&(dd>=19))||((mm==3)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangsongngu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Song Ngu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==3)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==4)&&(dd<=19))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangmienduong.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Mien Duong...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==4)&&(dd>=20))||((mm==5)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangkimnguu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Kim Nguu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==5)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==6)&&(dd<=20))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangsongnam.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Song Nam...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==6)&&(dd>=21))||((mm==7)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangbacgiai.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Bac Giai...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==7)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==8)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmanghaisu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Hai Su...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==8)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==9)&&(dd<=22))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangsunu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Su Nu...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==9)&&(dd>=23))||((mm==10)&&(dd<=23))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangthienxung.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Thien Xung...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==10)&&(dd>=24))||((mm==11)&&(dd<=21))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmanghocap.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Ho Cap...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==11)&&(dd>=22))||((mm==12)&&(dd<=21))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangnhanma.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Nhan Ma...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if(((mm==12)&&(dd>=22))||((mm==1)&&(dd<=19))) { pFile = fopen ("vanmangnamduong.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nBan thuoc cung Nam Duong...\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; }}int ynghiaten(char ten[10]){ clrscr; char c[1000000]; strcpy(sten,strlwr(ten)); int i=0,j; FILE *pFile; if (sten[0]=='a') { pFile = fopen ("tenvana.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='b') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanb.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='c') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanc.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='d') { pFile = fopen ("tenvand.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='e') { pFile = fopen ("tenvane.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='g') { pFile = fopen ("tenvang.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='h') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanh.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='k') { pFile = fopen ("tenvank.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='l') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanl.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='m') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanm.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='n') { pFile = fopen ("tenvann.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='o') { pFile = fopen ("tenvano.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='p') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanp.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='q') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanq.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='r') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanr.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='s') { pFile = fopen ("tenvans.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='t') { pFile = fopen ("tenvant.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='u') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanu.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='v') { pFile = fopen ("tenvan.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='x') { pFile = fopen ("tenvanx.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; } else if (sten[0]=='y') { pFile = fopen ("tenvany.txt","r"); if(pFile==NULL) { printf("\nKhong the mo file\n"); } else printf("\nY nghia ten cua ban la:\n"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch(); return 0; }}void gioithieu(int n){ char c[1000000]; int i=0,j; FILE *pFile; pFile = fopen ("gioithieu1.txt","r"); while (!feof(pFile)) { fscanf(pFile,"%c",&c[i]); i++; } fclose(pFile); for(j=0;j<i-1;j++) printf("%c",c[j]); getch();}int validSolar(int dd,int mm,int yy){//check ngay duong hop le if (dd < 1 || dd > 32 || mm < 1 || mm > 12) return 0; if ( mm == 2){ if ( yy % 400 == 0) return (dd < 30); if ( yy % 100 == 0) return (dd < 29); if ( yy % 4 == 0) return (dd<30); return (dd < 29); } if ( mm == 4 || mm == 6 || mm == 9 || mm == 11) return (dd < 31); return 1;}int Solar2JD(int dd,int mm,int yy){//chuyen duong lich ve So ngay Julius int a,y,m,JD; a = (14 - mm) / 12; y = yy+4800-a; m = mm+12*a-3; JD = dd + (153*m+2)/5 + 365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 - 32045;// After 5/10/1582, Gregorian calendar if(JD < 2299161)// After 5/10/1582, Julius calendar JD = dd + (153*m+2)/5 + 365*y + y/4 - 32083; return JD;}int getNewMoonDay(int k, int timeZone){//tinh ngay soc thu k ke tu ngay 1/1/1900, tra ve ngay JD. double T, T2, T3, dr, Jd1, M, Mpr, F, C1, deltat, JdNew; T = k/1236.85; // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5 T2 = T * T; T3 = T2 * T; dr = PI/180; Jd1 = 2415020.75933 + 29.53058868*k + 0.0001178*T2 - 0.000000155*T3; Jd1 = Jd1 + 0.00033*sin((166.56 + 132.87*T - 0.009173*T2)*dr); // Mean new moon M = 359.2242 + 29.10535608*k - 0.0000333*T2 - 0.00000347*T3; // Sun's mean anomaly Mpr = 306.0253 + 385.81691806*k + 0.0107306*T2 + 0.00001236*T3; // Moon's mean anomaly F = 21.2964 + 390.67050646*k - 0.0016528*T2 - 0.00000239*T3; // Moon's argument of latitude C1=(0.1734 - 0.000393*T)*sin(M*dr) + 0.0021*sin(2*dr*M); C1 = C1 - 0.4068*sin(Mpr*dr) + 0.0161*sin(dr*2*Mpr); C1 = C1 - 0.0004*sin(dr*3*Mpr); C1 = C1 + 0.0104*sin(dr*2*F) - 0.0051*sin(dr*(M+Mpr)); C1 = C1 - 0.0074*sin(dr*(M-Mpr)) + 0.0004*sin(dr*(2*F+M)); C1 = C1 - 0.0004*sin(dr*(2*F-M)) - 0.0006*sin(dr*(2*F+Mpr)); C1 = C1 + 0.0010*sin(dr*(2*F-Mpr)) + 0.0005*sin(dr*(2*Mpr+M)); if (T < -11) { deltat= 0.001 + 0.000839*T + 0.0002261*T2 - 0.00000845*T3 - 0.000000081*T*T3; } else { deltat= -0.000278 + 0.000265*T + 0.000262*T2; } JdNew = Jd1 + C1 - deltat; return (JdNew + 0.5 + timeZone/24);}int getSunLongitude(int jdn,int timeZone){ double T, T2, dr, M, L0, DL, L; T = (jdn - 2451545.5 - timeZone/24) / 36525; // Time in Julian centuries from 2000-01-01 12:00:00 GMT T2 = T*T; dr = PI/180; // degree to radian M = 357.52910 + 35999.05030*T - 0.0001559*T2 - 0.00000048*T*T2; // mean anomaly, degree L0 = 280.46645 + 36000.76983*T + 0.0003032*T2; // mean longitude, degree DL = (1.914600 - 0.004817*T - 0.000014*T2)*sin(dr*M); DL = DL + (0.019993 - 0.000101*T)*sin(dr*2*M) + 0.000290*sin(dr*3*M); L = L0 + DL; // true longitude, degree L = L*dr; L = L - (PI*2*((int)(L/(PI*2)))); // Normalize to (0, 2*PI) L /= (PI * 6); return L;}int getLunarMonth11(int yy,int timeZone){ int k, off, nm, sunLong; off = Solar2JD(31, 12, yy) - 2415021; k = (int)(off / 29.530588853); nm = getNewMoonDay(k, timeZone); sunLong = getSunLongitude(nm, timeZone); // sun longitude at local midnight if (sunLong >= 9) { nm = getNewMoonDay(k-1, timeZone); } return nm;//tra ve ngay dau thang 11 am lich theo so ngay Julius day}int getLeapMonthOffset(int a11,int timeZone){ int k, last, arc, i; k = (int)((a11 - 2415021.076998695) / 29.530588853 + 0.5); last = 0; i = 1; // We start with the month following lunar month 11 arc = getSunLongitude(getNewMoonDay(k+i, timeZone), timeZone); do { last = arc; i++; arc = getSunLongitude(getNewMoonDay(k+i, timeZone), timeZone); } while (arc != last && i < 14); return i-1;}int inlicham(int S_dd, int S_mm,int S_yy){ printf("\nMoi ban nhap ngay/thang/nam Duong lich (roi nhan Enter): "); scanf("%d/%d/%d",&S_dd,&S_mm,&S_yy); if(validSolar(S_dd,S_mm,S_yy)){ int L_dd,L_mm,L_yy;//ngay thang nam am bang so char dCan[5], mCan[5], yCan[5];//Can cua ngay thang nam am //Giap, At, Binh, Dinh, Mau, Ky, Canh, Tan, Nham, Quy char dChi[5], mChi[5], yChi[5];//Chi cua ngay thang nam am lich //Ty, Suu, Dan, Meo, Thin, Ty, Ngo, Mui, Than, Dau, Tuat, Hoi int L_nhuan;//nhuan==0 thuong, nhuan==1 nhuan char LNhuan[8]=""; int JD;//Julius date int k, monthStart, a11, b11,diff; //int timeZone = 7; JD = Solar2JD(S_dd,S_mm,S_yy); k = ((JD - 2415021.076998695) / 29.530588853); monthStart = getNewMoonDay(k+1, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 if (monthStart > JD) { monthStart = getNewMoonDay(k, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 } a11 = getLunarMonth11(S_yy, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 b11 = a11; if (a11 >= monthStart) { L_yy = S_yy; a11 = getLunarMonth11(S_yy-1, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 } else { L_yy = S_yy+1; b11 = getLunarMonth11(S_yy+1, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 } L_dd = JD-monthStart+1; diff = ((monthStart - a11)/29); L_nhuan = 0; L_mm = diff+11; if (b11 - a11 > 365) { int leapMonthDiff = getLeapMonthOffset(a11, 7);//Theo mui gio o Viet Nam la 7 if (diff >= leapMonthDiff) { L_mm = diff + 10; if (diff == leapMonthDiff) { L_nhuan = 1; } } } if (L_mm > 12) { L_mm -= 12; } if (L_mm >= 11 && diff < 4) { L_yy -= 1; } //Xac dinh Can va Chi cho Am lich //Can cua nam switch((L_yy+6)%10){//Giap, At, Binh, Dinh, Mau, Ky, Canh, Tan, Nham, Quy case 0: strcpy(yCan,"Giap"); break; case 1: strcpy(yCan,"At"); break; case 2: strcpy(yCan,"Binh"); break; case 3: strcpy(yCan,"Dinh"); break; case 4: strcpy(yCan,"Mau"); break; case 5: strcpy(yCan,"Ky"); break; case 6: strcpy(yCan,"Canh"); break; case 7: strcpy(yCan,"Tan"); break; case 8: strcpy(yCan,"Nham"); break; default: strcpy(yCan,"Quy"); } //Chi cua nam switch((L_yy+7)%12){ case 0: strcpy(yChi,"Suu"); break; case 1: strcpy(yChi,"Da`n"); break; case 2: strcpy(yChi,"Ma~o"); break; case 3: strcpy(yChi,"Thin"); break; case 4: strcpy(yChi,"Ty."); break; case 5: strcpy(yChi,"Ngo."); break; case 6: strcpy(yChi,"Mu`i"); break; case 7: strcpy(yChi,"Than"); break; case 8: strcpy(yChi,"Da.u"); break; case 9: strcpy(yChi,"Tuat"); break; case 10: strcpy(yChi,"Ho.i"); break; default: strcpy(yChi,"Ti\'"); } //Can cua thang switch((L_yy*12+L_mm+3)%10){ case 0: strcpy(mCan,"Giap"); break; case 1: strcpy(mCan,"At"); break; case 2: strcpy(mCan,"Binh"); break; case 3: strcpy(mCan,"Dinh"); break; case 4: strcpy(mCan,"Mau"); break; case 5: strcpy(mCan,"Ky"); break; case 6: strcpy(mCan,"Canh"); break; case 7: strcpy(mCan,"Tan"); break; case 8: strcpy(mCan,"Nham"); break; default: strcpy(mCan,"Quy"); } //Chi cua thang switch(L_mm){ case 1: strcpy(mChi,"Da`n"); break; case 2: strcpy(mChi,"Ma~o"); break; case 3: strcpy(mChi,"Thin"); break; case 4: strcpy(mChi,"Ty."); break; case 5: strcpy(mChi,"Ngo."); break; case 6: strcpy(mChi,"Mu`i"); break; case 7: strcpy(mChi,"Than"); break; case 8: strcpy(mChi,"Da.u"); break; case 9: strcpy(mChi,"Tuat"); break; case 10: strcpy(mChi,"Ho.i"); break; case 11: strcpy(mChi,"Ti\'"); break; case 12: strcpy(mChi,"Suu"); } //Can cua ngay switch((JD+9)%10){ case 0: strcpy(dCan,"Giap"); break; case 1: strcpy(dCan,"At"); break; case 2: strcpy(dCan,"Binh"); break; case 3: strcpy(dCan,"Dinh"); break; case 4: strcpy(dCan,"Mau"); break; case 5: strcpy(dCan,"Ky"); break; case 6: strcpy(dCan,"Canh"); break; case 7: strcpy(dCan,"Tan"); break; case 8: strcpy(dCan,"Nham"); break; default: strcpy(dCan,"Quy"); } //Chi cua ngay switch(JD%12){ case 0: strcpy(dChi,"Suu"); break; case 1: strcpy(dChi,"Da`n"); break; case 2: strcpy(dChi,"Ma~o"); break; case 3: strcpy(dChi,"Thin"); break; case 4: strcpy(dChi,"Ty."); break; case 5: strcpy(dChi,"Ngo."); break; case 6: strcpy(dChi,"Mu`i"); break; case 7: strcpy(dChi,"Than"); break; case 8: strcpy(dChi,"Da.u"); break; case 9: strcpy(dChi,"Tuat"); break; case 10: strcpy(dChi,"Ho.i"); break; default: strcpy(dChi,"Ti\'"); } if(L_nhuan) strcpy(LNhuan," nhuan"); printf("..........................................................................."); printf("\nNgay sinh: %d/%d/%d \n\tLa Ngay %d, thang %d%s, nam %d ",S_dd,S_mm,S_yy,L_dd,L_mm,LNhuan,L_yy); printf("Am lich theo Lich Viet Nam\nHoac\nNgay %s %s, thang %s %s%s, nam %s %s\n",dCan,dChi,mCan,mChi,LNhuan,yCan,yChi); } else printf("Error Input"); getch(); return 0;} Các bạn download file này nữa nhe: link:
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