Cung cấp Linux cho mọi người

Thảo luận trong 'Hệ điều hành Linux' bắt đầu bởi integer, 3 Tháng tư 2010.

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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

    • :-?
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    sau 1 thời gian suy nghĩ mình quyết định mở topic này để phân phối những bản linux cho mọi người vì các lý do sau:

    1. Nhiều bạn (lớp mình cũng có) muốn cài đặt và tìm hiểu về linux nhưng không có điều kiện download, ghi đĩa.
    2. Khi bắt đầu máy tính với window nhiều bạn sa ngã vào cái khoản giải trí của nó quá
    3. Không có nhiều sự hỗ trợ từ người biết trước. tất nhiên tự tìm hiểu sẽ hay hơn nhưng để nhanh chóng tiếp cận thì bạn cần được hỗ trợ từ những người biết trước.(những người đó cũng nhận hỗ trợ từ google mà thôi)
    4. qua năm sau KHMT khoá 3 học linux, tất nhiên sẽ có nhu cầu nghiên cứu trước
    5. Giảm tình trạng vi phạm bản quyền do cr@ck,mặc dù mình cũng cr@ck:012:
    6. Mở rộng cộng đồng nguồn mở tại trường mình:bemused:
    7. chưa nghĩ ra, bổ sung sau
    Tóm lại: bạn nào cần linux mình có thể cung cấp file ISO. bạn mang USB đến phòng mình 217 - B1(phòng của đội cứu hộ). hoặc mang theo 1 CD, DVD trắng tuỳ loại.
    chi tiết liên hệ tại đây hoặc 01649842729
    Mình có thể cung cấp những bản sau(còn cập nhật thêm)

    fedora core 12
    fedora core 13 (alpha)
    fedora live CD

    Ubuntu 9.10
    Ubuntu 10,04 beta
    Kubuntu (lastest version)
    backtrack live CD
    đây là các bản phổ biến và tương đối dễ dùng.

    Mình làm việc này với mong muốn đem linux đến với mọi người, mong các bạn ủng hộ, đừng thế này:swimming:
    hy vọng cố gắng nhỏ bé này không bị chìm vào quên lãng
    [M]agic[IT], zphuoocm, zmazskg2 người khác thích bài này.
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    • Windows Vista

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    Nói như bác integer thì có phần hơi bất cập một xíu...:no:...và hơi mâu thuẫn một xíu....:012:

    Như cái câu thứ 2 của bác ấy....nói như thế chắc cài Linux vào thì sẽ hạn chế được cái khoản sa ngã giải trí của người dùng máy tính hả ? Vậy thì đoán mò một chút....chắc Linux không tương thích với đa số game hiện nay hay nó hơi khô khan với những câu lệnh, giao diện không bắt mắt như Win 7, Vista....
    Lý do thứ 5 nữa...câu này khỏi bàn, đọc lên cũng nghe thấy sức mâu thuẫn của nó lớn lao biết chừng nào rồi....:snicker: Bó tay
    Còn lý do thứ 6 thì....nói thật nhiều đứa trong trường mình có biết cộng đồng nguồn mở là gì đâu....có phải lĩnh vực của nó đâu mà ngó tới chi mệt....:fierce:. ( mở ngoặ cũng không biết nè :017:...đóng ngoặc) ha ha ha

    Nhưng mà tóm lại, tui vẫn ủng hộ cho cái cố gắng nhỏ nhoi của bác integer....bác cứ hết mình đi, tui sẽ ủng hộ bác...mặc dù biết trước điều này sẽ phá sản ngay từ đầu....ha ha ha :017::017::017::017:. :telephone:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Thành Viên Mới

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    Đã k biết mà vẫn cố tình nói vậy sao, họ có lòng tốt share cho mà dùng, k tốn công download, chỉ tốn tiền cái đĩa trằng mấy k. Tương lai chính phủ điện tử cũng dùng mã nguồn mở, rồi thương mại điện tử cũng phải tính đến nếu k đủ chi phí để mua license. Đúng là nông cạn. :no:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

    • :-?
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    mình share cho đối tượng học khoa học máy tính, thương mại điện tử.
    mấy ngành như quảng cáo với marketing nhìn có vẻ như không liên quan gì tới phần mềm nguồn mở hay không nhưng nếu vi phạm bản quyền thử xem, thực tế người ta chẳng bắt cá nhân làm gì, bắt cả công ty ấy, nghe vụ bắt 1 công ty liên doanh ở Bình Dương bị phạt hàng trăm triệu đồng chưa.
    còn người dùng linux trong trường mình càng nhiều thì môi trường học tập của Khoa KHMT được mở rộng
    bạn biết cái gì đó và bày cho người khác thì người đó sẽ có gì đó bày cho bạn:snicker::snicker:
    nói chung là lạc đề rồi, vừa đăng topic có 1 bạn tới copy rồi nè:expect:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Windows 95

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    sinh viên phải làm gì đây trong khi không chơi được game 3D ;))..... phim HD .. khôg hỗ trợ bộ Adobe...

    + cái khỏan wifi cùng bắp thì nghỉ luôn .. khỏi update .. software:cutesmile:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Windows Vista

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    :snicker: ha ha ha đúng là mấy ông này học IT chả biết đùa là gì nhỉ, quá cứng nhắc, quá khô khan...chán phèo. :snicker:. Nói thật cho mà biết một điều nè mấy bác...thật ra đối với đa số người không chuyên thì họ chả quan tâm nhiều ( thậm chí là không ) đến cái gì gì là mã nguồn mở hay license đâu. Cứ toàn nói lý thuyết cho lắm, nhưng mấy ai hiểu...:expect:. Thôi tui chọc bác integer tý cho vui thô chẳng biết trong học tập hay giải trí người ta chia sẻ cho nhau những cái bổ ích, cái mới lạ là điều đáng hoan nghênh và đáng được ủng hộ. Vì biết đâu một ngày đẹp trời nào đó mình sẽ tới nhờ bác integer share cho Linux của bác ấy thì sao.
    Mấy bác kia không hiểu thì miễn bàn nhá. :012:
    zphuoocminteger thích bài này.
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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

    • :-?
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    cái tội bác hoang_b7 đi chém gió làm gì:045:
    máy của bác có card rời đâu nhỉ, 3D như crysis:053:, HD 1080p á:nosebleed:, Adobe crack:surrenders:
    với lại em có bảo dùng luôn linux đâu, share cho nghiên cứu thôi mà
    Thank các bác đã comment
    zphuoocmhoang_b7 thích bài này.
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    • Windows Vista

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    nói túm lại là tại hạ hoan nghênh tinh thần cộng đồng của bác integer.
    cho tràng pháo hoa nào....:music::music::music::music:
    hy vọng bác integer tiếp tục phát huy.
    Thanks nhiều. :expect::expect:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Windows 95

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    cùng máy đó .. chạy win7 ... Full HD chạy như điên dại ... Xin lỗi bác câu chứ adobe của em là lic hẳn hoi chứ khôg phải là đồ crack =))

    Thằng luôn câu .. máy em .. chơi đc HD 1080p đâu khó chi.. cần deck j mấy cái vga rời.. sinh ra cái cổng HDMI để làm cái j .. chả qua cái ubuntu hỗ trợ media chán vl ...
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Thành viên sáng lập

    • Chíp sún
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    Bắt đầu từ cái cơ bản :Sharing:expect:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Quy ẩn giang hồ

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    Thank cho bản fedora 12, chưa xài thì chưa biết linux như thế nào. Vừa cài xong chạy tốt lắm:045:.
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    Ken Zaki

    • Windows 3.0

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    Các bác ở ngoài đó tặng em cái Fedora 12 đi :( . Tặng luôn cái DVD nhỉ :).
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

    • :-?
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    em có phải người phân phối của linux đâu, bác ở tận Lào Cai thì em chịu:incense:
    zphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

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    bổ sung nhé, link đây, bạn có thể down 1 trong số chúng
    [IMG] 64 Studio Ltd. produces bespoke GNU/Linux distributions which are compatible with official Debian and Ubuntu releases. Specialising in multimedia and digital content creation platforms which we develop for our OEM partners, we also offer support, documentation services and consultancy. Our software is already included in several shipping products in the professional audio market, with more to follow.
    [IMG] Absolute is a modification of Slackware but has a much simplified installer. The desktop oriented with common-use apllications pre installed and configured.
    [IMG] Arch Linux is an independently developed i686/x86-64 optimized community distribution, based on a rolling-release package model and targeted at competent GNU/Linux users. Development focuses on a balance of minimalism, elegance, code correctness and modernity. Version 0.1 (Homer) was released March 11, 2002.
    [IMG] AUSTRUMI (Austrum Latvijas Linukss) is a business card size (the current size is 93MB) bootable live CD Linux distribution. It is based on Slackware. The current official release of Austrumi Linux is 1.8.0. It requires limited system resources and can run on any Intel-compatible system with a CD-ROM installed.

    BackTrack is the most top rated linux live distribution focused on penetration testing. With no installation whatsoever, the analysis platform is started directly from the CD-Rom and is fully accessible within minutes. [IMG] CentOS exists to provide a free enterprise class computing platform to anyone who wishes to use it. CentOS 2, 3, and 4 are built from publically available open source SRPMS provided by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.
    You're probably familiar with the popular proprietary commercial package Norton Ghost®, and its OpenSource counterpart, Partition Image. The problem with these software packages is that it takes a lot of time to massively clone systems to many computers. You've probably also heard of Symantec's solution to this problem, Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition® with multicasting. Well, now there is an OpenSource clone system (OCS) solution called Clonezilla with unicasting and multicasting!
    Keep your data and your programs in your pocket; use them on every computer you find without worrying about letting around some unwanted logs and this without giving away your data security or privacy! This is a USB key containing your operating environment and your data.
    [IMG] CrunchBang Linux is an Ubuntu based distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager and GTK+ applications. The distribution has been built and customised from a minimal Ubuntu install. The distribution has been designed to offer a good balance of speed and functionality.
    Dreamlinux is a free, modern and modular GNU/Linux system. It can be run directly from a CD/DVD/USBStick and optionally be installed to a HDD, including IDE, SCSI, SATA, PATA and USB drives. [IMG] State-of-the-art video- and audiophile Operating System with the eAR Media Center eAR OS is a state-of-the-art Operating System. It can run directly from a Live-CD and optionally be installed to a hard disk. That means you can try it out before you install it - for FREE!
    [IMG] We make use of a highly awarded desktop environment which has been customized for easier usage. After a default install, easys offers single-purpose applications instead of including several similar utilities that may lead to confusion. With easys you can listen to your music, surf the web, chat, make documents, watch movies and much more.
    [IMG] Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project.
    [IMG] FreeBSD 7.0, released February 2008, brings many new features and performance enhancements. With a special focus on storage and multiprocessing performance, FreeBSD 7.0 shipped with support for Sun's ZFS
    Frugalware is a general purpose linux distribution, designed for intermediate users (who are not afraid of text mode). We have a current and a stable branch. The current branch is updated daily, and we update our stable branch around every 6 months.
    gnuArtist is an artistic distribution like OpenArtist and ArtistX, providing the end-user with tools for digital content creation. The software provided grew out of what these distributions lacked.
    [IMG] gOS 3 Gadgets instantly launches Google Gadgets for Linux on startup, introducing over 100,000 possible iGoogle and Google Gadgets to the desktop. Google Documents, Calendar, and Mail launch in Mozilla Prism windows to closer resemble desktop applications.
    Gosalia is a Fast, Flexible and Reliable Operating System for all. It has been built for ease of access for users of all ages.
    [IMG] Greenie is now based on Ubuntu 8.10 - new version of the applications and improved hardware support. Greenport has been re-writen, easier to use even for beginners.
    Hymera is a Linux distribution developed for being implemented or on complex infrastructures of management, or in simple local atmospheres. It introduces itself with innovative a graphical interface and simple to use, cured in every detail, it confers to the system a clean and clear aspect.
    [IMG] LinuxMintItaliano is a distro Ubuntu / Debian based. Made in italian language able to read all multimedia files and a lot of programs filled in. For the time being, LinuxMintItaliano is released in three version:Mint 8 Helena ITA light with Gnumeric and Abiword sobstitute of OpenOffice.
    Kahel OS is based on Arch Linux. Kahel OS is the first and remains to be the only Filipino Linux Distro with the rolling release model on Arch Linux + GNOME. In the community, it is the first to release (non-beta) such Linux OS on Arch Linux + GNOME.
    KNOPPIX is a bootable Live system on CD or DVD, consisting of a representative collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a productive Linux system for the desktop, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos.
    Kongoni is the Shona word for a Gnu (also known as a Wildebeest) the animal which inspired the name of the GNU operating system. The name represents the spirit and history of Kongoni, a GNU/Linux operating system of African origin. Kongoni is a desktop oriented operating system with a strong belief in being truly free software.
    [IMG] is one of the biggest linux-gaming communities with an integrated multi-gaming-clan. On this page you will find latest Linux gaming related news, a big moderated forum, a huge HOWTO collection and other information about the community and the clan.
    Based on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, Linux 2.6.27, Gnome 2.24 and Xorg 7.4, Linux Mint 6 "Felicia" comes with a brand new "Software Manager", FTP support in mintUpload, proxy support and history of updates in mintUpdate.
    [IMG] LinuxShark is based on opensuse 11.2 and The Linux Kernel Version, It is regularly updated with the latest security patches and Kernel upgrades. You are always safe.
    Mandriva Linux One 2009 is the best way to start using Linux. A full Linux operating system on a single CD for both new and experienced Linux users, it is fast to download and install, and also safe to try with a live mode.
    Why SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Linux? SimplyMEPIS just works! It is pre-configured for simplicity and ease of use, even for beginners SimplyMEPIS features unique hardware detection and a superior configuration SimplyMEPIS allows you to test and try without installation to see if it suits you and your needs
    Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems. The central piece of the architecture is the common layer we call "Moblin Core" [IMG] This is moonOS LXDE Edition 2 , codename Kachana, based on moonOS Main Edition 2, Linux 2.6.27-11, LXDE and Xorg 7.4, moonOS LXDE Edition 2 \u201cKachana\u201d comes with a new tool \u201cmoonDomain\u201d, \u201cmoonGrub\u201d, \u201cmoonMetacity\u201d \u201cmoonUpgrader\u201d and a lot of other improvements.
    [IMG] NetSecL Linux is by default with hardened configuration leaving the distribution at a security level where it is still usable and providing the tools needed to test your security. GrSecurity and it's firewall are features that makes the distribution unique along with specially compiled packages.
    [IMG] OpenGEU, previously known as Geubuntu, is a complete and fully functional Operative System based on the popular Linux Distribution Ubuntu. OpenGEU is perfect for any Desktop, Laptop PC or even for a Virtual Machine.
    [IMG] OpenSolaris offers free, built-in features that help you build, debug and deploy new applications faster. It's is an operating system (OS), an open source project licensed under CDDL, and a community. The project's goals are innovation, collaboration, and the extension of OpenSolaris technology.

    [IMG] The 11.1 release includes a ton of new features and improvements, an improved desktop experience with GNOME 2.24 and KDE 4.1.3, 3.0, YaST improvements, updated Linux kernel, and much more. The openSUSE project is a worldwide community program sponsored by Novell that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. The program provides free and easy access to openSUSE.
    Pardus 2009, the latest version of the Pardus Project, a GNU/Linux being actively developed in TÜBİTAK UEKAE (National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology) and easy to install and use no matter the user's experience level, is made available to users all around the globe. Any and every application a desktop user might need is included in the Install CD of Pardus 2009.
    [IMG] Parsix GNU/Linux is a live and installation CD derived from KANOTIX and based on Debian. It is a complete GNOME centric desktop oriented distribution. Parsix GNU/Linux supports dozens of languages including English
    The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs.
    [IMG] PC-BSD is a complete desktop operating system, which has been designed with the "casual" computer user in mind. It offers the stability and security that only a BSD-based operating system can bring, while as the same time providing a comfortable user experience, allowing you to get the most out of your computing time
    PCLinuxOS is an English only install and live CD initially based on Mandrake Linux. It runs entirely from a single CD. Data on the CD is uncompressed on the fly, making all of the 2GB of software ready to use. A complete X server, KDE desktop,, and many more applications are readily available. After you've installed PCLinuxOS, additional packages can be added or removed from your hard drive using apt-get with the Synaptic frontend.
    [IMG] Being based on Ubuntu Linux all software and hardware that is compatible with Ubuntu is compatible with PC/OS. Our mission statement is summed up in two words "Simplified Computing"
    [IMG] penaOS is a linux distribution that aims to help people to write scientific articles. Basically it integrates openoffice with zotero, a plug-in of the browser Mozilla Firefox [IMG] Poseidon Linux was designed as a friendly and complete desktop, based on open source software and aimed at the Brazilian/International scientific community. This operating system is based on Ubuntu and inspired by Quantian Linux.
    Puppy Linux is an operating system for computers. Other well-known operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, and MS-DOS. Puppy Linux is based on GNU/Linux. It is completely free and open source software. Small size, usually less than 100MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features 'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
    [IMG] Our dream is called Sabayon. You know it, the best way to realize your dreams is waking up and start moving, never lose hope and always keep up.
    On 24 of November 2006 sidux was formed by a group of people whom wanted to be the best Debian sid live distro and hard disk install distro available. With milestones and planned releases timetabled so as to give stability to corporate and home users a definable path over time.
    The Official Release of Slackware Linux by Patrick Volkerding is an advanced Linux operating system, designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table.
    [IMG] Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.
    [IMG] Super Ubuntu 2008.11 is out! Based on Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), with lots of new cool features! Now includes Wubi (to install on Windows) Multi-language support: the Live CD now contains all the languages included in Ubuntu Includes a Live USB creator 3
    SystemRescueCd is a Linux system rescue disk available as a bootable CD-ROM or USB stick for administrating or repairing your system and data after a crash. It aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the partitions of the hard disk. It comes with a lot of linux software such as system tools (parted, partimage, fstools, ...
    Tiny Core Linux is a very small (10 MB) minimal Linux Desktop. It is based on Linux 2.6 kernel, Busybox, Tiny X, Fltk, and Jwm. The core runs entirely in ram and boots very quickly. It is not a complete desktop nor is all hardware completely supported.
    [IMG] Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers.
    Ubuntu Christian Edition is a free, open source operating system geared towards Christians. It is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. The goal of Ubuntu Christian Edition is to bring the power and security of Ubuntu to Christians. Ubuntu Christian Edition is suitable for both desktop and server use.
    [IMG] Ultimate Edition 2.0 is built based off Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (daily build), by hand, it is w/o a doubt gorgeous. I am releasing a 32 bit, 64 Bit & and a Gamers edition (x86 based). Ultimate Edition 2.0 is loaded to the hilt with themes, wallpapers, icon sets, gdm login screens, and Usplashes. If you have a 64 bit processor I highly recommend the 64 bit edition.
    [IMG] Ultima Linux is a fast, powerful, and above all convenient computer operating system, available for Intel and AMD-based personal computers. It emphasizes a \u201ccommon sense\u201d approach to development, and eases common system administration tasks through a largely set-it-and-forget-it mentality. Ultima has since evolved into a highly stable distribution supporting both desktop and server capabilities, and enjoys much of its popularity as an alternative to proprietary products such as Microsoft Windows.
    Speed, performance, stability -- these are attributes that set VectorLinux apart in the crowded field of Linux distributions.The creators of VectorLinux had a single credo: keep it simple, keep it small and let the end user decide what their operating system is going to be.
    Their message is simple. Light - Fast - Now Use your computers in a lightweight but fully featured way using less energy. The operating will run on low power computers and recycled systems keeping you working and playing with all the features you expect.. It will be fast and easy, and now is the right time to rethink our energy use and computers in our daily lives. We are actively looking for developers and supporters in our efforts to create a low power operating system that can be used personally and commercially. contact us and watch for updates to get involved.
    An open source, Linux operating system for home, office, server, and cluster users. Built upon the RHEL/CentOS core, Terra Soft and now Fixstars has since the spring of 1999 developed and maintained YDL for the Power architecture family of CPUs. This focus and dedication has lead to the world's leading Linux for the Power architecture.
    [IMG] Zenwalk's Standard Edition is a complete GNU/Linux operating system for both Desktops and Laptop/Notebook systems but is also easily customizable for use in servers and multimedia centers.
    [IMG] You need the Ultimate Boot CD if you want to: Run floppy-based diagnostic tools from CDROM drives. More and more PCs are shipped without floppy drives these days, and it is such a royal pain when you need to run diagnostic tools on them.
    sunboyzphuoocm thích bài này.
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    • Quy ẩn giang hồ

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    Hiện tại mình và Admin integer vẫn tiếp tục nhận các yêu cầu về ghi đĩa hoặc cung cấp file iso các bản phân phối linux phổ biến cho các bạn có nhu cầu học tập nghiên cứu. Nhất là khóa 4. Các bạn có nhu cầu có thể liên hệ admin hoặc gặp mình tại 103 B1.
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    • Friends

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    Bác Interger có điều kiện đánh cho ít cái đĩa luôn nha :ghost:
    1. XP (service Pack 2 3 gì cũng đc )
    2. Linux ( 32 bit thôi nhé, 9 - 12 loại nào cũng được ) iso thì có nhưng mà máy không đánh được
    3. Hiren ( tích hợp mini win càng tốt )
    4. Server (2k3)
    ... Tình hình là đĩa dùng 3 năm hư hỏng cả rồi Hihi Tất nhiên là sẻ hoàn tiền đĩa + 1 chầu Cafe :swimming:

    Nói chung là linux là một môn khó ăn...Toàn bằng lệnh...Cái DNS Server ở nhà làm hoài không chạy !
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    • Thành Viên Mới

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    Cấm lợi dụng tình hình buôn bán nghe, ghi dùm đi :)) Free .>!!!!!!
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    • Semi Late

    • À ha À Há À HÁ HÁ...
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    cho hỏi là bác integer có đĩa DVD trắng không , bán cho mình một cái , làm mất đĩa win thằng bạn giờ cần đĩa trả thằng bạn mà hình như trước trường không bán đĩa DVD trắng thì phải
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    • Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ

    • :-?
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    share ISO cho các bạn đỡ mất công down. Ronaldo bảo ghi từng kia đĩa mà nóng cả mặt ... qua phòng 103-B1 mình copy cho.
    nhân tiện tặng 2 đĩa Ubuntu 10.04 cho 2 bạn khóa 4 đây.
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